Time Zone Overview And Updating Your Time Zone

The Time zone Functionality in oboloo allows users to set opening and closing dates for sourcing activities based on their local time zones. This feature is particularly useful for global teams and international suppliers, ensuring clarity and accuracy in submission deadlines. With time zone support, all suppliers receive deadlines that are specific to their respective locations, helping prevent confusion about submission times. This guide will walk you through how to set up time zone-specific deadlines for your sourcing activities and ensure that both you and your suppliers stay aligned.

Your time zone is first set when your oboloo platform was first created. This would have been set by the person within your organisation who originally set up oboloo.

Visual Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: Updating your oboloo Timezone

Text Guide - Step-by-Step Guide: How to Update Your Company Time Zone

Follow these steps to update your company's time zone in the system.

Step 1: Access the Settings Menu

  • Click on the "Settings" option located on the left-hand menu.

Step 2: Open Company Settings

  • In the Settings menu, click on "Company Settings" to access the company's configuration options.

Step 3: Select the Time Zone Field

  • Locate the "Company Time Zone" dropdown field. This field will display your currently set time Zone.

Step 4: Choose a New Time Zone

  • Click on the dropdown to view available time zones.
  • Select the new time zone you wish to set for your company.

Step 5: Save Changes

  • After selecting the new time zone, click on "Save Changes".
  • Your company’s time zone will now be updated accordingly.

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Setting Opening and Closing Dates in Your Sourcing Activity
Customising Your Sourcing Activity